- Carrizzo Lodge Art Workshops – Brochure Cover Competition
– 1985
- Kansas Oil Painters Association Competition 1987 Juror
William F. Reese 1989
- Artists Magazine "Landscape Competition" 1990 Selected Top 100
- Scottsdale Artists School "Best and Brightest" 1989
- Artfest Albuquerque 1990, 1991
- United Council of New Mexico Artists 1989 Competition
Award, 1990 Competition Two Awards
- New Mexico Art League Competition 1993
- Franklin Square 13th Annual, North Carolina
- Signature Membership, Knickerbocker USA Selected 1993
- J.R. Mooney "Debut 1994", San Antonio, Texas Merit Award
- Breckenridge Fine Arts Competition, Texas 1995 3rd
Place Oils
- 1996 Honorable Mention Pastels Juror Joan Marron Larue
- New Mexico Pastel Society 1994 Named "New Mexico
Pastel Artist - $1000 Award Juror
- Harbor County Juried Competition, California 1995 - $500 Award
- Wichita Center for the Arts " Small Oil Painting Competition"
Kansas 1996 Selected Wichita Woman Artist Award
- Lafayette Art Association, Louisiana 1996 Grumbacher Gold
Medal Award
- Pastel Society of Oregon, National Juried Competition 1996
3rd Place
- Fall American Art Show and Sale, Juried, Museum of the Horse, Ruidoso, NM
1997 2nd Place $500 Award
- Pastel Society of America, Inc. 1997 Marion Strucken-Bachman Award for
- International Association of Pastel Societies Slide Tegistry 1998
- Eurofarre International Competition -- Stroncone, Italy -- May 1998 --
2nd place Oils